Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mango Shrimp (adapted from Chef Kevin Hom)

Shrimp are awesome. In Britain, we call them prawns. Y'all call them shrimp, though, so that's what we'll call them in this recipe.

Reason why shrimp are awesome #1: The nutritional thumbs up. They are high in protein and low in calories. Can I get a witness?

For this recipe, you will need:
- 450g/1lb uncooked shrimp (cleaned, sans heads, avec tails)
- 1 egg white*
- 2 tsp cornflour
- 2 tsp salt
- 3 tsp sesame oil
- dash of white pepper
- 450g/1lb mangoes, cubed
- 450ml/16 fl oz groundnut oil (or peanut oil) + 1.5 tbsp extra
- 1/2 in. fresh ginger root, finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry
- 2 scallions, chopped at an angle, for garnish

First step - BEER.
Not a total departure from rosé - it tastes pink!
Wash the prawns (checking for any poop threads), and pat dry with kitchen paper.

Take a gratuitous picture of cornflour to see how far your cheap digital camera can zooooom.
A teaspoon of cornflour never looked so good.

Combine egg white, cornflour, 1tsp salt, 1 tsp sesame oil, and white pepper, and mix with shrimp. Leave in the fridge for at least half an hour.
Camera zoom still working.

Get your hands in there!
While the shrimp are marinating in the fridge, pop open another bottle of beer.
I spy with my little eye -- Red Mummy's Red Velvet Sadness Cupcakes!
Cut mangoes into cubes (see Tip #2) and heat a large pan or wok on the stove. Add groundnut or peanut oil -- once it's very hot, remove pan from the heat and immediately add shrimp. Stir vigorously to prevent shrimp from sticking.
Blurry picture = vigorous stirring.
Once the shrimp turn opaque (about two minutes), transfer to a bowl, drain any excess liquid from the pan and heat another 1.5 tbsp oil.

Reason why shrimp are awesome #2: Pregnancy safe. Unlike many other kinds of seafood, it is perfectly safe to eat cooked shrimp (shrimp sushi is a no-no) when you have a bun in the oven. The Inter-ma-net says so.

When the oil is smoking slightly (yes, really!), return shrimp to pan and add ginger root and garlic. (I threw a few chopped scallions in there too, but you don't have to).
Scrape up all the yummy shrimp-cornflour gunk at the bottom of the pan. Looks mushy, tastes wonderful.
Add rice wine, salt and pepper, and then add the mango cubes.
All the pretty colours!
Once the mango is warmed through (about a minute), turn off the heat and swizzle 1 tsp of sesame oil into the pan.

Serve garnished with scallions!
Tastes better than it looks. Ohhh yeah.

*If anyone knows of any recipe that uses egg whites and egg yolks separately, please let us know.

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