Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Karaoke de Curried Carrot Soup

One day, Brown Mummy opened the refrigerator door and shouted:
"Holy Norse Mythology, Batman, the carrots are multiplying!"

To which, Red Mummy replied:
"Franklin Delano, they're everywhere!"

Whenever we have too many vegetables (especially when Brown Mummy goes crazy at the Farmers' Market and buys *all* the scallions), the only thing left to do is drink...

S'up, Internet.
...and make soup.

Rachael Ray likes to call thicker soups "stoups" (in between a soup and a stew), but aside from her attempts at amateur neologism her recipes are really quite good.
Mummy, don't be mean about Rachael.

You will need:
- Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
- 3 tbsp butter
- 1 medium white onion
- ALL the carrots (we used about a pound of baby carrots to save on peeling and chopping)
- 1 head of celery, threads removed
- 1 cayenne pepper (or more, to taste)
- Curry powder or paste, to taste
- 6 cups chicken stock
- Coarse/Kosher salt
- 1 cup sour cream
- Scallions and/or chives for garnish

You will also need some killer music to accompany you.
Carly Rae Jepsen kept asking us to call. Maybe.
Add a squiggle of olive oil and the butter to a large heavy saucepan.
A whole lotta delicious fats.

While that's heating up, roughly chop up the onion (you don't need to be too careful, it's all going to be blended) and the cayenne pepper.

Once the pan is hot, add the veggies to the heat. Prepare next tune...
Toniiiiiiiight! We are YOUNG! you can deal with chopping celery. This is one of Brown Mummy's least favourite veggies to chop. The benefit of this recipe is that everything gets blended at the end, so you don't have to cut with too much care. Simply rip the head of celery apart, cut off leaves and any weird brown bits. Pull threads off... in the USA...

...and chop roughly!

Add celery to pan, and throw in carrots. This is also a great time to throw in any other veggies you might like to use up after losing your head at your local Farmers' Market... (garlic, peppers, squash, zucchini, etc).

If you don't have chicken stock, you can crumble a couple of bouillon cubes onto the carrots, and then pour boiling water into the pan.

Add curry powder...

...and boil for 15-20 minutes, until carrots are tender.

In the interim, TNB suggest singing along to Jay Sean...
Apparently, he's not up. He's down.
...some Bieber...
All together now: "baby, baby, baby, woooooaah!
...and New Kids On the Block...
Truly awful to see 40-year-old men doing this. well as the OLD kids on the Block.
Much better. The right kind of stuff.
We recommend finishing up the boiling process with some 'old school' Britney (there's a reason for the title of this post).

She drove herself crazy.
Once tender (pick out a cuke or two and bite), the veggies are ready for blending. Taste for salt, spiciness, and general flavour. Adjust accordingly. If you don't have a hand-held blender, you'll have to blend in batches. Luckily I have the best immersion blender EVER.
From chunky... monkey. I mean, Delicious.

Serve in warmed bowls, complete with a swizzle of sour cream, and scallions cut on the diagonal (or chives) to garnish.

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